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Consumer Loan Rates

Table data for Autos
 Effective 03-11-2025
Term Minimum Loan Amount APR (as low as) True Drive APR (as low as) Alert Me
12-60 months No Minimum 5.55% 6.30%
72 months $15,000 5.55% 6.30%1
84 months $25,000 5.75% N/A
96 months $45,000 6.75% N/A
120 months $75,000 7.25%2 N/A
  • 1Payment Example: $40,000 loan with 60 payments of $398 and a balloon payment of $27,210.
  • 2APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 120 Payments of 11.75 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Boats
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms Minimum Loan Amount APR (as low as) Alert Me
84 months No Minimum 7.00%
96 Months $35,001 7.25%
120 Months $50,001 7.75%
180 Months $70,001 8.25%1
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example:180 Payments of $9.71 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Motorhomes
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms Minimum Loan Amount APR (as low as) Alert Me
84 months No Minimum 7.65%
96 Months $35,001 7.90%
120 Months $50,001 8.90%
180 Months $70,001 9.40%1
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 180 Payments of $10.39 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Motorcycles & RVs
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms Minimum Loan Amount APR (as low as) Alert Me
60 Months No Minimum 6.65%
72 Months $16,001 6.90%
96 Months $35,001 7.15%
120 Months $50,001 7.65%1
  • 1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 120 Payments of 11.96 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Credit Cards
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms APR1 Credit Limit Alert Me
MasterCard Revolving 9.90% - 12.50% up to $20,000
Secured MasterCard Revolving 14.50% $500min / $5000max
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Table data for Personal Loans
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms APR (as low as) Alert Me
up to 60 months 11.65%1
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 60 payments of $21.96 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Alaska HeatSmart
Terms APR (as low as) Alert Me
up to 60 months 4.00%1
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 60 payments of $18.42 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Overdraft Line of Credit
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms APR1 Max Amount Alert Me
Revolving 18.00% $500 -$3000
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Table data for Home Equity Line of Credit
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms APR1 Financing Max Amount Alert Me
Revolving Variable, as low as Prime + 0 Up to 85% $250,000 maximum
Origination Fee is $250. Flood Report Fee is $14. Other costs will be passed through, estimated range from $450-$2650.
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Maximum APR is 18%.

Table data for Home Equity Loan
 Effective 03-11-2025
Occupancy Maximum Loan to Value Maximum Loan Amount Maximum Loan Term APR (as low as) Alert Me
Owner Occupied 85% $200,000 180 Months 7.919%
Non Owner Occupied 75% $200,000 180 Months 8.422%1
Origination Fee 1%, minimum $250; Flood Search Fee $14. Other costs will be passed through, estimated range from $450-$2650.
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 120 Payments of 12.27 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Lot Loans
Lot Type Maximum Loan to Value Maximum Loan Amount Maximum Loan Term APR (as low as) Alert Me
Improved Lots 75% $200,000 180 months 8.688%
Unimproved Lots 70% $125,000 120 months 9.901%1
Origination Fee 1%, Minimum $250. Other costs will be passed through, estimated range from $450-$2650.
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For Example: 120 Payments of $12.81 per $1000 borrowed.

Table data for Share Secured
 Effective 03-11-2025
Terms APR1 Max Amount Alert Me
Varies 3.00% above dividend rate $100,000
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Loan rate is 3% above the Dividend Rate paid on the underlying share product at time of loan origination.

Insurance is required for all collateralized loans.

Your loan rate will be determined by several factors, including your credit score, loan amount, loan term and/or loan to value.

Rates are subject to change at any time.