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Printable Fee Schedule

Table data for Savings and Checking Fees
Name Amount Alert Me
Share Savings Dormant Account Monthly Fee - Accounts under $250 that are inactive for one year or more - waived for
members under age 18.
Money Market Inactivity Fee - Accounts with balances under $2500 after 12 months of inactivity $5.00
Share Draft Inactivity Fee - Accounts with no activity after 180 days. $5.00
True Options Checking Monthly Fee $10.00
Express Checking Monthly Fee $0.00
Express Checking Plus Monthly Fee - If balance falls below $500 $5.00
Account Verification $10.00
High Risk Account Monthly Fee - Applies to accounts associated with industries with heightened compliance burden
per the Federal Government
High Risk Account Initial Due Diligence - Applies to accounts associated with industries withheightened compliance burden
per the Federal Government
Transaction Fees                                            Alert Me
Courtesy Pay overdraft - Per occurrence (limit 3 per day, waived for transactions under $5) $30.001
Check Cashing - Applies to members with only a share account with an average balance less than $100 $5.00
Foreign Item - Per item $25.00
Manual Posting Fee - Check - MICR Invalid or unreadable $5.00
Manual Posting Fee - ACH - Account number invalid $5.00
Insufficient Funds - Per attempted ACH or Share Draft presentment $30.00
Check Card Recurring Transaction NSF Fee $30.00
Returned Deposit - written by account owner - Per item $25.00
Stop Payment - Check or ACH, when processed by branch staff. $18.00
Third Party CU Draft Fee - Third party replaces member share draft with CU Draft $5.00
Stale Dated CU Draft Stop Payment $18.00
CU Draft Stop Payment - Only available if item is lost/stolen $20.00
Credit Union Draft - Waived with more than $5000 total funds on deposit or in loans $3.00
Starter Checks - Set of 8 preprinted checks $5.00
Phone Payment or Deposit - Check Card $10.00
Phone Loan Payment - Credit Card 2.95%
Web or eBanking Loan payment - Check Card $4.95
Wire Transfer Fees Alert Me
Incoming Wire Fee $10.00
Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer $25.00
Outgoing International Wire Transfer $50.00
  • 1Courtesy Pay limit is $2000 maximum, limit inclusive of fees. Your limit may vary. See Member Agreement for additional program details.
Table data for Card and ATM Fees
Amount Alert Me
Rush Delivery $30.00
Transaction video/film processing - for incorrectly disputed transactions $50.00
Replacement Fee for Lost or Stolen Card - More than once per 12 months $5.00
Our choice to waive a fee does not constitute a binding agreement to waive it in the future. We reserve the right to discontinue a fee temporarily without notice and may reinstate without notice
Table data for Other Service Fees
Name Amount Alert Me
Bad Address Fee - Per Month $5.00
Account Research - Per hour, one hour minimum $20.00
Document copies - 1 year old or less - Per item, may also be subject to research fee $3.00
Document copies - greater than 1 year - Per item, may also be subject to research fee $5.00
Legal Process - Levy, garnishment, court order $75.00
Funds Escheated to state $25.00
IRS Notice of Incorrect TIN $50.00
Special Mailing or Other Service varies based upon cost
Phone Payment Fee - 3rd Party Payment or Deposit $20.00
Bill Pay Services Alert Me
Bill Pay Stop Payment - per item $20.00
Bill Pay Check Copies - per item $10.00
IRA Fees Alert Me
IRA Termination Fee - Closed within 6 months of opening $50.00
IRA payments prior to age 59.5 - Fee assessed per withdrawal if more than 3 per calendar year $25.00
IRA Transfer fee - Out of TNFCU to another institution                                                                                                                                                   $25.00
Our choice to waive a fee does not constitute a binding agreement to waive it in the future. We reserve the right to discontinue a fee temporarily without notice and may reinstate without notice
Table data for Business Accounts (in additional to general)
Amount Alert Me
Business Checking Monthly fee - If balance drops below $2500 $10.00
Check Deposits - Per Month, first 250 Free; 251+ fee per each $0.08
ACH Debits/Credits - Per Month, first 200 Free; 201+ fee per each $0.05
Cash Orders .05% of total order
Coin Orders .08% of total order
Loose Coin 6% of total deposit
Fax Service - per page $1.00
Disposable Coin Bags - First 25 free; cost per bag $1.00
Disposable Deposit Bags - First 25 free; cost per 3 bags $1.00
Business Share Savings Dormant Account Monthly Fee - Accounts under $250 inactive for one year or more $10.00
Business Money Market Inactivity Monthly Fee - Accounts with balances under $2500 after 12 months of activity $5.00
Business Share Draft Inactivity Monthly Fee - Accounts with no activity after 180 days $5.00
Starter Checks - Per 8 preprinted checks $5.00
Our choice to waive a fee does not constitute a binding agreement to waive it in the future. We reserve the right to discontinue a fee temporarily without notice and may reinstate without notice
Table data for Loan Related Fees
General Loan Fees1 Amount Alert Me
Loan Documentation - Pass through fee for securing and insuring loans varies based on cost
Loan Payment Adjustment/Reversal - Member Error $10.00
Lien Release Fee - initial lien release is free $15.00
Skip Pay Fee - Per payment skipped $30.00
Late fee - see loan agreement varies
DMV Special Handling Fee $30.00
Home Equity and Lot Loan Fees1 Alert Me
Title Search $250 and up
Flood Search Fee $14.00
Recording Fee $151.00
Valuation Fees - depends on type and provider $32 - $1200
Credit Report $20
Our choice to waive a fee does not constitute a binding agreement to waive it in the future. We reserve the right to discontinue a fee temporarily without notice and may reinstate without notice
  • 1Not all fees are reflected here. Call to speak to a lender for other loan details and fee related questions.